Bill 140055
Controlled by Committee on Licenses and Inspections



Amending Title 4 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code," by amending Subcode F (The Philadelphia Fire Code), by adding certain provisions related to fire safety and prevention and inventory of vacant buildings or structures; by adding certain provisions related to databases and website information of vacant properties; by adding certain provisions related to the creation, powers, and duties of a vacant property task force; by adding certain enforcement powers; and other related items; all under certain terms and conditions.

Read the full Bill: Bill No. 14005500.pdf CertifiedCopy14005501.pdf


  • Jan. 30, 2014:  Introduced and Referred to the Committee on Licenses and Inspections by CITY COUNCIL
  • Introduced and Referred to the Committee on Licenses and Inspections by CITY COUNCIL Notes: DISCUSSION - COUNCILMEMBER O'BRIEN - BILL NO. 140055 - (SEE NOTES OF TESTIMONY).

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Introduced: Jan. 30, 2014
Last action: Jan. 30, 2014


View Bill 140055 on the City Clerk's website.