Resolution 220749
Controlled by CITY COUNCIL


Authorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 1402, 1403, 1405, 1407, 1408, 1409, 1411, 1412, 1413, 1414, 1417, 1418, 1421, 1422, 1423, 1424, 1425, 1426, 1427, 1429, 1431, 1432, 1433, 1435, 1436, 1438, 1441, 1443, 1445, 1446, 1447, 1449, 1457, 1462, 1513, 1514, 1532, 1536, 1547, 1559, 1561, 1611, 1613, 1629, 1631, 1633, 1635 and 1641 N. Marston Street; 2712, 2714, 2810, 2836 and 2838 Cecil B. Moore Avenue; 1316, 1318, 1400, 1406, 1408, 1414, 1418, 1422, 1426-32, 1434, 1436, 1438, 1444, 1448, 1450 and 1634 N. 27th Street; 1544 and 1546 N. 26th Street; 1602, 1608, 1614, 1632, 1637 and 163

Read the full Resolution: Resolution No. 22074900 Signature22074900


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Introduced: Sept. 22, 2022



View Resolution 220749 on the City Clerk's website.